Real Time Trading Data
From Trading View
, A Unit of Tradestation

      Most of the Widgets on this page are free charting web apps from the website, which is affiliated with TradeStation, a registered Broker-Dealer. The widgets can be found at and have many additional features, adjustments and capabilities. A few others are from Coinlib are at

      As an example, the Technical Analysis Widgets below are advanced tools that display ratings based on technical indicators. The gauge lets you see the summary based on all indicators at a quick glance. You do not have to apply multiple indicators to analyze a financial instrument since the Widget does that automatically. All ratings are shown in real time.

      The Market News and Updates widget lets you to scan through current news and key events of popular companies, cryptocurrencies and other assets. You can also click on stock tickers and find a wealth of additional information, including company profiles and other data. Visit for details.

Trading Tickers

Cryptocurrency Ticker Tape Prices by Coinlib


Stock Quotes

Active Stocks

Summary Data

Single Stock Chart Analysis Tool

Technical Analysis Stock Indicators

Bitcoin Price Comparison Tool

Cryptocurrency Prices by Coinlib

Cryptocurrency Prices

Cryptocurrency Markets Summary

Technical Analysis Cryptocurrency Indicators

Exchange Rates

FOREX Heat Map

Market News and Updates

Economic Calendar